Welcome to the online booking system for Anglesey County Council Leisure Services.
This will enable you to book your favourite classes and activities at our centres 24 hours a day, from the comfort of your home or workplace.

Before you can register to use the Môn Actif online bookings service, you must first ensure that your relevant details are on our database, as the online service identifies you from your membership number and the email address we hold on file. If you are not sure whether your details are correct, contact any Anglesey Leisure Centre and these can be updated.
NB: Please note that squash can only be booked online at Holyhead and Plas Arthur Leisure Centres. It should also be noted that not all classes are available to book online, as some sessions do not require advanced booking. For a full list of the class timetable, please Click here
For more information on what your local leisure centre has to offer, sport clubs and sporting opportunities, please see: http://www.anglesey.gov.uk/leisure/sports-clubs-and-centres/